Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I judge you when you use poor grammar

yes ok. unless you have low IQ (of which is very unfortunate) or if english is your second language, you generally be able to pass grammar 101.

1. "Your" does not equal to "you're". =.= "you're" means "YOU ARE". "your" connotates something belong to "you". Please. stop being stupid on twitter.

"Better to keep quiet and be thought dumb, than speak and remove all doubt"

2. ok... this would be tricky but WHY DO PEOPLE USE TWITTER STYLED TEXTING IN EMAILS AND SMSES?!! do not @beverly me please. it's creepy. you already said my name why must you put the @ ? also use of #... erm ok if you wanna be stupid #idontgiveacrap BUT DO NOT TYPE LIKE THIS. it irritates me #justsaying (also, do not SAY--oh yes, say not type-- LOL during conversations.. it kills my mood? what happened to haha? when you say LOL you're not really laughing.. you know that right?)

3. when a waiter asks you "so what will you be having" DO NOT. I REPEAT DO NOT REPLY "i be having..." sighhh i know it's hard but try to add a "will" in between "i" and "be".

4. over use of text lingo. eg "u" for "you" and "r" for "are" makes me think that you might be a bimbo. if you're in a rush then by all means use the shortcut. BUT don't use it ALL THE TIME! is nobody worth you typing those extra two letters? it takes like what 1 second? =.= lazy

Well ok i admit, sometimes my grammer SUCKS. like when i'm really tired and brain dead. and i can't for the life of me pronounce "nothing" correctly. EVEN SO. i don't showcase my bad grammar all the time (even proudly, for some people).

Just remember... i judge you when you use poor grammar. (haha this rhymes with i know what you did last summer)

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