Thursday, September 2, 2010

Oh, did you hear Block supper? we meant HAZING! .....OMFG WHAT?!

Hazing: "Usually part of initiations into a group of some sort. Commonly done by pooring nasty food over people, making them do humiliating things, and other ways."

So yes. I, have gone through the Eusoff Hall Block C hazing... and here's what happened :)

3days before- i saw an announcement seeing that there was a Block C supper (YAY! free food = good^^)

Actual day- Block leader sent an email announcing that the supper would consist of KFC (i actually went YES! cause in the hostel you're deprived of all fast food LOL)

9:30- seniors all started shouting and knocking on doors for everyone to come for supper ("block C supper NOW!"), they were so loud and persistent that even though i just finished 10hrs of non-stop lessons i decided to just go for a while.

9:45- when my neighbours and i got to C1 (first floor of C block) we saw the seniors holding blindfolds... OMG. Charlene chan and i wanted to run, but they confiscated our room keys and all our belongings so essentially we were locked out. so FINE BRING IT ON. they blindfolded us and made us sit down (by this time, i can't tell the time anymore so i'll just guess haha).

Initially, we kept pulling off our blindfolds, but the seniors caught us and tightened the plastic strips (yeap that's what they used, and it works really well man) and told us that we couldn't touch it anymore... (WHAT?!)

10:10- so i don't know how long we sat there but it felt like a LONGGGGGG time. It got even worse when they TOOK CHARLENE CHAN AWAYYYYY T.T so yeap.. sat there and sat and sat... until they told me to get up and move. They lead me, blindfolded, and told me to put my hands on the shoulders of this guy ("yeah the shoulder that is wriggling"...erm what? LOL)

So the line started moving and i kept bumping into the dude in front and saying "sorry" lol i'm so clumsy >.<>

10:13- They lead us into this place, put a piece of string into our hands and told us to pull.

And then we got wet. LOL (apparently we were standing in individual shower stall and the string was tied to the handle) Hahahaha the seniors are really smart to think of this man, caught me totally unaware. And they kept splashing water to make sure that we got really SOAKED. (and cold lol)

10:16- They told us to turn off the showers and led us out. We climbed one more flight of stairs and waited.

10:20- Senior told me that there was a piece of string stretched out across in front of me around the waist level and we had to go under it... haha something was up indeed. but fine, all in the name of good fun. WE HAD TO CRAWL. in some weird gross and smelly liquid haha. i suspect seasoning? (i saw it in the end, it was yellow WTF? haha) it was grainy and sorta smells like vomit BOOOOO. when I got to the end, I hadta wait again.

So new senior took my hand and led me forward again... and something hit my face =.= i think it was either a lady's finger or a brinjal. GAHHHH eww i tugged at it and tried to pull it down LOLL (revenge!^^) and the senior said "ehehhh why you wnna bring that with you! let go!" MUAHAHAHHAA satisfaction of being aware while blind (nightblindness has conditioned me LOl)

The senior told me to watch my step and said "ok now we're in the guy's bathroom" he told me to stop and turn to my right. Then they pushed me forward and told me to squat down. "there's a pail in front of you, i want you to help me find a marble"

LOLL (i was like WTF?!) and then when i reached forward i was like EH WHAT THIS IS A TOILET BOWL. so i said "you want me to find a marble in the toilet bowl?" and they actually replied "it's not a toilet bowl!" even though i kept lifting the toilet seat LOL i put my hand in anyway. and trust me.. it was GROSS. i think they threw bread and some same sauce inside of something so it felt like seriously EWWWY haha in the end i couldn't find no marble :(

after a while the senior said okok never mind let's go haha. i bet they had enough laughs (i heard them throughout the whole journey haha) so they led me out of the toilet and towards a railing. I must say though that the seniors are REALLY NICE. they kept telling me to look out for steps, even very small ones^^ and they kept telling us don't be scared.

10:34- after standing at the railing for a while a someone else led me again and put my hand on some bin that came up to my tummy (can you guess what it is? hint: there was a trashbag in it) When i dipped my hand in... there was ICE, and VERY VERY COLD WATER LOL. so this guy told me "There is a fish and a tomato inside, can you help me find the tomato?" and like seriously, there was already a guy opposite me who was already looking for the fish haha.

So i dipped my hands in (No kick lah, i love the cold) but it couldn't reach the bottom of the container OMFG lol. No way in hell i can find it lah please. the senior said "eh if your hands can't reach the bottom nevermind lah, give up, not your fault that you got short arms".... and i threw ice in his direction LOL but i kept dipping anyway. In a suge forward, my head hit the dude opposite me VERY HARD. wah pain =.= some more, there were flashes (i could see them through the blindfold) i think they were taking picture NOOOOOOOooooooooo.

The dude opposite me said "wah cannot find lah" when the in-charge told him to dip his whole head in (he really did do it cause i hear a loud splash) and i asked him what he was looking for, he said fish... LOLL and that he rather find the tomato. BOTH DAMN HARD CAN! plus i have short arms so prob can't find it anyway. Plus, after like 5 minutes in the freezing water, my arms were starting to hurt, become very cold and i suspect red (like frostbite haha)

In the end the guy in charge said "Eh ok never mind, you guys can take off your blindfold now", and i did. and WOW. the sight was FUNNY haha no wonder this has become a tradition^^ there were people standing everywhere blindfolded looking damn blur and i could see everything that seemed so foreign to me just now (btw, there really are tomatoes and fish in the trashbin). LOLL makes me wanna be a senior and do this to juniors next year haha

10:40- Only a few other people went through the ice dipping haha, the rest just stood around blindfolded. The block head announced that everyone could take off their blindfold and said it was a tradition and all in good fun. (IT WAS^^) Apparently the block supper would be continued (for real) at 11:30 and we should all go bathe and meet back afterwards. We took a group picture and i rushed off to collect stuff (my room key!!!)

Sighhh tired LOL i went down for a while to get KFC (couldn't eat much cause i still thought i smelled vomit) then i called my mummy to tell her.
I think i must have lost A MILLION BRAIN CELLS when i bumped into people, stuck my hand down the toilet and hit my head while finding stuff in icy cold water.
SEE HERE: when i called my mum, i told her "mummy i think i lost my handphone" when i was using it to talk to her... sigh LOL

Essentially though, i think that it was REALLY FUN^^ and the seniors were really very nice and took care of us even though it was a hazing haha. Eusoff Hall is really fun^^ (oh but i think we made too much noise and someone complained about all the sreaming because the police/security came and the block head had to deal with them... poor thing)


P.S. it was probably a good thing that we went because afterwards they took attendance and sabotaged the doors of the people who didn't turn up haha. (they wrapped our blindfolds on their door handles and poured the vomit goo on it, then they nutella-ed the doors GROSS LOl)

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